torek, 10. julij 2012


love the deatiled work

some fo the designers

the place of the art fair - Celje's library


my favourite childhood cat

woohoo! finally! 1st mini art fair of uniqe handmade goods in Celje (my hometown) - cART.
i've visited it in the morning hours, when the fair got up and running. i've made some quick snapshots, because i had to go to work for 3 hours :).
'tho it was small, i was really happy that this sort of events are finally happening! cudos to all the designers, for their great idea, aniciative and for all who supported them, for this event to happen. i have to admit, i didn't even know that all of this designers are Celje based! another great suprise!
ceramics, framed paintings on old book pages, colourful deatiled jewelys, funky clothes, soft toys... anything you can imagine!

hopefully, on many more to come! it's a start, and a very good one!

and next time ( which has to happend soon!), i hope, i won't be in such a rush. good things take time, as they say ;)

and special thanks to Maja for a visit & bringing me coffe and vanilla treat! 

6 komentarjev:

  1. Jupiduuu :) Super zapis :) Hvala tudi tebi, da si prišla mami, da si nas opazila in da si o nas celo pisala! :)
    P.S. Pšššt, ampak zna se zgodit, da bo cART kmaluuu :D

    1. z veselejm! se že veselim novega! :) le tako naprej. če se ne pridružim (moram narediti večjo zalogo stvari), vas bom vsekakor podprla oz. obiskala :) le tako naprej!

  2. Kok si lepo napisala! <3
    + ni za kej, ta kavica in vanili sladkiš je najmanj kar sem lahko naredila, hvala tebi! ;)

    1. ti tudi! ;) no, kavico imaš od mene v dobrem. sem danes zjutraj po tej nevihtni noči šla v Kubo po eno belo z dodatkom kokosa! nebesa! :)

  3. Odgovori
    1. ZELO! 21ga bo spet in komaj čakam, ker si bom vzela več časa, da v miru vse pogledam :) in se jim, mogoče, naslednjič tudi pridružim ;)


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