torek, 5. marec 2013

morning routine

my fav daily products

Although the word routine gives me the chills in everday life - i can not imagine having a papier desk job and doing the same thing over and over again - i do pratice it in some aspects of my day. I (must!) eat breakfast every morning and i make sure my face is moisturized with the daily cream.

Not asking for much, but without those 2 things i don not get a real feeling that a new day has begun.

What is your routine? Probably coffee, right?:)


Čeprav me beseda rutina prav zmrazi, - ker si ne predstavljam službe, v kateri počnem eno in isto delo - jo imam vsak dan na sporedu. Pod nujno moram vsako jutro jesti zajtrk in se namazati z dnevno vlažilno kremo za obraz.

Dve malenkostni rutini, vendar brez njiju ne dobim občutka, da začenjam nov dan.

Pa vaša rutina? Stavim na jutranjo kavo! ;)

2 komentarja:

  1. Joj,si faca! Jaz jih imam več. Nujnih:)
    P.s. Pr z zaineseva z zamudo, nič ne gre po načrtih...


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