my new bling |
Ferm living & Bloomingville metal containers, Mimi neon bracelets |
new Mimi plexi+wood broaches @ Lola,Lj |
Ah! As i type these words, a new December came back to the town. What's with all the snow?! It just forces you, to go back to winter sleep mode and low creativity status. Well, i refuse! It will be hard, but not impossible :) Why? Because Spring has already came to my creative space.
December št.2 je spet tukaj! Kdo je naročil toliko snega?! Takšno vreme, nas prav prisili, da se vrnemo na stanje zimskega spanja in pomankanje kreative. Ampak, se ne dam! Bo težko, vendar ne nemogoče :)
Zakaj? Ker se je pomlad že znašla v mojem kreativnem kotičku.