supporting corporations |
parks were in full bloom |
summer loungeing |
me & mr.Cloud |
Stefan |
graffiti on paper |
the Clouds exhibition |
Klimt |
sacher <3 |
It's been a while, right? :) I'm back. Back to Slovenia aswell. I've been on a little trip to our northern neighbour Vienna/Wien. I think it was my tenth time or so. I love it every time and its defently one of my TOP close destinations to visit. Almost A MUST GO every 3 years.
Had a blast! Ate the best ice cream you can find - Tichy, browsed through the stores, seen amazing exhibitions - Klimt, Max Ernst... , got inspired by so many interior design stores and loving the fact that, every time i come back, i find something new to see/discover. Those are the perks of being there multiple times already and having to know all the major "must see" points down to a T :)
Wien, you are one my fav and i'll see you soon! <3
*under some captions of pictures are links to the websites of various shops you might like :)
Dooolgo me ni bilo. Sem nazaj! Tu in v Sloveniji :) Pobegnila sem na majhen izlet k sosedom na Dunaj. Mislim, da je bilo tokrat desetič (le kdo šteje?). Vsakič se veselim obiska, sploh, ker je Dunaj ena mojih top bližnjih destinacija, če ne ena naj nasploh.
Imela sem se super! Najedla najboljšega sladoleda daleč naokoli -
Tichy (zelo priporočam, ampak pričakujte gnečo), pobrskala po pisanih trgovinah, si ogledala krasne razstave- Klimt, Max Ernst, razstava o oblakih..., videla ogromno navdihujočega interierja in obožujem dejstvo, da na vsakem obisku vidim/doživim/najdem kaj novega. To pa prinese večletno obiskovanje avstrijske prestolnice in dejstvo, da poznamo top punkte že do obisti.
Wien, si mi eden najljubših in se kmalu spet vidiva! <3
*pod nekaterimi fotografijami so povezave, do strani, ki bi vam bile morda všeč :)