ponedeljek, 25. marec 2013

winter continues

my new bling

Ferm living & Bloomingville metal containers, Mimi neon bracelets

new Mimi plexi+wood broaches @ Lola,Lj

Ah! As i type these words, a new December came back to the town. What's with all the snow?! It just forces you, to go back to winter sleep mode and low creativity status. Well, i refuse! It will be hard, but not impossible :) Why? Because Spring has already came to my creative space. 


December št.2 je spet tukaj! Kdo je naročil toliko snega?! Takšno vreme, nas prav prisili, da se vrnemo na stanje zimskega spanja in pomankanje kreative. Ampak, se ne dam! Bo težko, vendar ne nemogoče :) 
Zakaj? Ker se je pomlad že znašla v mojem kreativnem kotičku.

torek, 5. marec 2013

morning routine

my fav daily products

Although the word routine gives me the chills in everday life - i can not imagine having a papier desk job and doing the same thing over and over again - i do pratice it in some aspects of my day. I (must!) eat breakfast every morning and i make sure my face is moisturized with the daily cream.

Not asking for much, but without those 2 things i don not get a real feeling that a new day has begun.

What is your routine? Probably coffee, right?:)


Čeprav me beseda rutina prav zmrazi, - ker si ne predstavljam službe, v kateri počnem eno in isto delo - jo imam vsak dan na sporedu. Pod nujno moram vsako jutro jesti zajtrk in se namazati z dnevno vlažilno kremo za obraz.

Dve malenkostni rutini, vendar brez njiju ne dobim občutka, da začenjam nov dan.

Pa vaša rutina? Stavim na jutranjo kavo! ;)

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architecture. june. creativity. design. jewelys. info: sky_over_me@yahoo.com
